no limits cycling club

Ride Captain.


No Limit CC are looking for Ride Captains who above all have the grace, patience commitment and awareness to lead rides within our four group categories 

The requirement to becoming a Ride Captain is to have been an active member of NLCC, participating in group rides for a minimum of 6 months in a single close season.

Role of a Ride Captain

The role of the Ride Captain is to work with other Ride Captains to ensure that club rides are well-managed, safe and reflect the aspirations of NLCC club members.

Ride captains are responsible for ensuring safe and enjoyable rides for everyone, the role requiring a good understanding and awareness of the ride members around him/her.


  • Know all ride signals and able to communicate with the riders in the group from the front.
  • Communicate with each ride leader or sweeper to get feedback on the ride.
  • Familiar with NLCC’s compass routes and able to re-route if necessary.
  •  Able to do basic maintenance on a bike and able to help other riders with mid-ride mechanical pitstops if necessary, especially for aiding newer riders.
  • Report objectively back to the ride captain committee meets. The aim is to improve our club offer and ensure we are providing rides our members want. 


Time Commitment

  • We would like the ride captain to participate in 2 rides per month, potentially increasing during the summer months when club activity is higher.
  • Participate in our weekly 60 minute call with our ride captains on a Monday at 6pm

This role is a voluntary position for 12 months, after which the position will be advertised to the club members and you will be given the opportunity to re-apply.

Please submit a short summary of why you would like to apply.

You’ll be contacted to have a short conversation with 2 committee members,

Enter your username and password to log into your account

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