From Couch to Commute!

Events: Couch to Commute (CTC)

FREE Cycling Workshops & Skills Sessions.

Our programme consists of the following workshops and skills sessions to be held on either Sunday @11am, or Thursday evenings @6:30pm. All sessions (except for the Preparing Yourself to go out on the Road Session which lasts for 3-4 hours) will last an hour.

This course is run by skilled and qualified Coaches/Ride Leaders.

  • Do you know how to ride a bike but are uncomfortable riding on the road?
  • Do you want to save money by commuting to work, but don’t know where to start?
  • Are you worried about getting a puncture and not being sure how to fix it?
  • Do you want to learn skills including how to use your gears and cornering?
  • Are you interested in cycling more to reduce your carbon footprint and to help prevent climate change?


Our programme consists of workshops and skills sessions to be heldon either Saturday, Sunday, or Thursday evenings. All sessions (except for the Preparing Yourself to go out on the Road Session which lasts for 3-4 hours) will last an hour.

This is an introductory session, outlining the overall course objectives. The aim is also to introduce the riders to the principles of the Highway Code, so that they can safely ride on the road by themselves.

This session will help to develop pedalling
technique, allowing riders to practice sprinting over
different distances and also complete long distance rides using the appropriate gears.

This session will help to develop bike-handling skills focusing specifically on riding slowly, and balance and coordination. This will help to develop riders’ awareness of other riders around them and encourages them to think about their direction of travel and exit routes.

To provide information on what basic checks are needed to ensure that your bike is safe to go out on the road. Participants will learn maintenance basics such as the famous ‘M Check’ as well as the importance of keeping sufficient air in your tyres in order to keep them as safe as possible on the road.

This will be a test all of the skills and knowledge that participants have learned so far in this practical riding session, undertaken in a controlled environment so that they will get more comfortable riding on the road.

This activity will help to develop the ability to corner effectively using appropriate gearing.

This activity will help riders climb & descend hills & using appropriate gears and using the appropriate body positioning

If you learn just one bike-repair skill, puncture should be it. Bikes get punctures, there’s no way to prevent it entirely, this course will give you the confidence you need to be able to fix a puncture.

Learn to negotiate the potential hazards that you may face riding in rush hour traffic. From avoiding obstacles, to crossing lanes, we will help you to get to work unscathed.

Please note you must attend at least 7 sessions to qualify for the refund



  Rhoma 07983 806 839
  Caroline 07930 819 121

Map & Location.

CTC- Bike Maintenance_Puncture/Tyre Health

Excellent ~ learning more and gaining confidence

CTC- Climbing & Descending

Very confident going up hill

CTC- Gear Selection & Cornering

Very interesting session again today. Lots of practising and fun. Really enjoyed today’s course.

CTC- Preparing yourself to Go out on the road

Very scary but exciting ride. Felt like I have achieved and learnt a lot today. First step towards conquering my fear of riding on the road. Thank you.

CTC- Bike Maintenance_Puncture/Tyre Health

Very good instructions. Enthusiastic and helpful in addressing issues. Would recommend. Supportive instructors and patient.

CTC- Balance & Coordination

This course was excellent, a real boost to my confidence. Thank you

CTC- Pedalling & Gear Selection

Very interesting session today, I have learnt a lot although I will need to practice much more to build my confidence.Thank you so much.

CTC- Road Safety Workshop

I learnt so much in such a short time. Instructors are extreme friendly and make you feel comfortable. Looking forward to the next time.

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